local expat = require'expat'
A ffi binding for the Expat XML parser.
expat.parse(source, callbacks)
Parse a XML from a string, cdata, file, or reader function, calling a callback for each piece of the XML parsed.
source = {path = S} | {string = S} | {cdata = CDATA, size = N} | {read = read_function}
callbacks = {
element = function(name, model) end,
attr_list = function(elem, name, type, dflt, is_required) end,
xml = function(version, encoding, standalone) end,
entity = function(name, is_param_entity, val, base, sysid, pubid, notation) end,
start_tag = function(name, attrs) end,
end_tag = function(name) end,
cdata = function(s) end,
pi = function(target, data) end,
comment = function(s) end,
start_cdata = function() end,
end_cdata = function() end,
default = function(s) end,
default_expand = function(s) end,
start_doctype = function(name, sysid, pubid, has_internal_subset) end,
end_doctype = function() end,
unparsed = function(name, base, sysid, pubid, notation) end,
notation = function(name, base, sysid, pubid) end,
start_namespace = function(prefix, uri) end,
end_namespace = function(prefix) end,
not_standalone = function() end,
ref = function(parser, context, base, sysid, pubid) end,
skipped = function(name, is_parameter_entity) end,
unknown = function(name, info) end,
expat.treeparse(source, [known_tags]) -> root_node
Parse a XML to a tree of nodes. known_tags filters the output so that only the tags that known_tags indexes are returned.
Nodes look like this:
node = {tag=, attrs={<k>=v}, children={node1,...}, tags={<tag> = node}, cdata=, parent=}
expat.children(node, tag) -> iter() -> node
Iterate a node's children that have a specific tag.