
JPEG encoding & decoding

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local libjpeg = require'libjpeg'

A ffi binding for the libjpeg 6.2 API. Comes with libjpeg-turbo binaries.


  • progressive loading
  • partial loading
  • fractional scaling
  • multiple pixel formats:
    • rgb8, bgr8, rgba8, bgra8, argb8, abgr8,
      rgbx8, bgrx8, xrgb8, xbgr8,
      g8, ga8, ag8,
      ycc8, ycck8, cmyk8.

libjpeg.load(options_t | filename | read) -> image

Read and decode a JPEG image. options_t is a table containing at least the data source and possibly other options.

1. The image source:

  • path: read data from a file.
  • string: read data from a string.
  • cdata, size: read data from a buffer of specified size.
  • stream: read data from an opened FILE * stream.
  • read: read data from a reader function of the form: read() -> cdata, size | string | nil

2. Decoding and conversion options:

  • accept.<pixel_format>: true/false specify one or more accepted pixel formats (see above).
  • accept.top_down: true/false (default is true)
  • accept.bottom_up: true/false
  • accept.padded: true/false (default is false) - specify that the row stride should be a multiple of 4.
  • scale_num, scale_denom: scale down the image by the fraction scale_num/scale_denom. Currently, the only supported scaling ratios are M/8 with all M from 1 to 16, or any reduced fraction thereof (such as 1/2, 3/4, etc.) Smaller scaling ratios permit significantly faster decoding since fewer pixels need be processed and a simpler IDCT method can be used.
  • dct_method: 'accurate', 'fast', 'float' (default is 'accurate')
  • fancy_upsampling: true/false (default is false); use a fancier upsampling method.
  • block_smoothing: true/false (default is false); smooth out large pixels of early progression stages for progressive JPEGs.
  • partial_loading: true/false (default is true); display broken images partially or break with an error.
  • header_only: do not decode the image; return only the image header fields.
  • render_scan: a function to be called as render_scan(image, is_last_scan, scan_number) for each progressive scan of a multi-scan JPEG. It can used to implement progressive display of images.
    • also called once for single-scan images.
    • also called on error, as render_scan(nil, true, scan_number, error), where scan_number is the scan number that was supposed to be rendering next and error the error message.
  • warning: a function to be called as warning(msg, level) on non-fatal errors.

NOTE: Not all conversions are possible with libjpeg-turbo, so always check the image's format field to get the actual format. Use bitmap to further convert the image if necessary.

For more info on the decoding process and options read the libjpeg-turbo doc.

3. The return value:

The return value is a bitmap with extra fields:

  • file: a table describing the source file, with the following attributes:
    • w, h, format, progressive, jfif, adobe.
  • partial: true if the image was found to be truncated and it was partially loaded.


  • the number of bits per channel in the output bitmap is always 8.
  • the bitmap fields are not present with the header_only option.
  • unknown JPEG formats are loaded but the format field is missing. -> string | chunks_t | nil

Save a bitmap as JPEG. options_t is a table containing at least the source bitmap and destination, and possibly other options.

1. The source bitmap:

  • bitmap: a bitmap in an accepted format (see above).

2. The output:

  • path: write data to a file.
  • stream: write data to an opened FILE * stream.
  • chunks: append data chunks to a list (which is also returned).
  • write: write data to a sink of the form: write(buf, size)
  • finish: optional function to be called after all the data is written.

If no output option is specified, the jpeg binary is returned as a Lua string.

3. Encoding options:

  • format: output format (see list of supported formats above).
  • quality: 0..100 range. you know what that is.
  • progressive: true/false (default is false). make it progressive.
  • dct_method: 'accurate', 'fast', 'float' (default is 'accurate').
  • optimize_coding: optimize huffmann tables.
  • smoothing: 0..100 range. smoothing factor.
  • bufsize: internal buffer size (default is 4096).


  • no support for loading and saving huge images, i.e. working with a few scanlines at a time (easy).
  • jit is turned off because we can't call error() from a ffi callback called from C; and yet libjpeg says that we must not return control to C on errors, and the only way to do that is to call error().
  • the read callback cannot yield since it is called from C code. This means that reading data with coroutine-based socket schedulers is not an option. The workaround is to either bind the suspended I/O mode of libjpeg (easy), or to use threads and locking.

See also: nanojpeg