
text manipulation

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local buffer = require'codedit_buffer'

Buffers are the core of text editing. A buffer stores the text as a list of lines and contains methods for analyzing, navigating, selecting and editing the text at a logical level, independent of how the text is rendered. The buffer contains methods that deal with text at various levels of abstraction.

  1. At the bottom we have lines of bytes, let's call that the binary space.

  2. Over that there's the char space, the space of lines and columns, where each char has a (line, col) pair. Since the chars are utf8 codepoints, the correspondence between char space and binary space is not linear. We don't deal much in binary space, only in char space (we use the utf8 library to traverse the codepoints).

  3. The space outside of the available text is called the unclamped char space. We cannot select text from this space, but we can navigate it as if it was made of empty lines.

  4. Higher up there's the visual space, which is how the text looks after tab expansion, for a fixed tab size. Again, the correspondence between char space (let's call it real space) and visual space is not linear.

Since we don't support automatic line wrapping, lines have a 1:1 correspondence between all these spaces, only the columns are different.


buffer.line_terminator = nil --line terminator to use when retrieving lines as a string. nil means autodetect.
buffer.default_line_terminator = '\n' --line terminator to use when autodetection fails.
--view overrides
buffer.background_color = nil
buffer.text_color = nil
buffer.line_highlight_color = nil


buffer:new(editor, view, [text]) -> buf create a buffer object, optionally filled with an initial text.
buffer:detect_line_terminator(text) -> term get the most common line terminator in a string
buf:detect_indent() detect indentation and set tabsize
text boundaries
buf:last_line() -> line last line number (also the number of lines)
buf:getline(line) -> s line contents (without line terminator)
buf:contents([lines_t]) -> s array of lines to text, using current line terminator
line-level editing
buf:insert_line(line, s) insert a line
buf:remove_line(line) remove a line
buf:set_line(line, s) replace a line
buf:move_line(line1, line2) switch lines
line boundaries
buf:last_col(line) -> col last column (char index) on a valid line
buf:end_pos() -> last_line, last_col the position right after the last char in the text
buf:next_char_pos(line, col, [restrict_eol]) -> line, col position after some char, unclamped
buf:prev_char_pos(line, col, [restrict_eol]) -> line, col position before some char, unclamped
buf:near_char_pos(line, col, chars, [restrict_eol]) -> line, col position that is a number of chars after or before some char, unclamped
buf:clamp_pos(line, col) -> line, col clamp a position to the available text
buf:sub(line, col1, col2) -> s line slice between two columns on a valid line
buf:select_string(line1, col1, line2, col2) -> s select the string between two valid, subsequent positions in the text
buf:extend(line, col) extend the buffer up to (line,col-1) with newlines and spaces so we can edit there.
buf:insert_string(line, col, s) -> line, col insert a multiline string at a specific position in the text, returning the position after the last character. if the position is outside the text, the buffer is extended. return the position after the string.
buf:remove_string(line1, col1, line2, col2) remove the string between two arbitrary, subsequent positions in the text. line2,col2 is the position after the last character to be removed.
tab expansion
buf:tab_width(vcol) -> w how many spaces till the next tabstop
buf:next_tabstop(vcol) -> vcol visual col of the next tabstop
buf:prev_tabstop(vcol) -> vcol visual col of the prev. tabstop
buf:visual_col(line, col) -> vcol real col -> visual col. outside eof visual columns have the same width as real columns.
buf:real_col(line, vcol) -> col visual col -> char col. outside eof visual columns have the same width as real columns.
buf:aligned_col(target_line, line, col) -> col real col on a line that is vertically aligned (in the visual space) to the same col on a different line.
buf:max_visual_col() -> vcol number of columns needed to fit the entire text (for computing the client area for horizontal scrolling)
buf:istab(line, col) -> true | false is that a tab?
buf:next_tabstop_col(line, col) -> col real col on the next tabstop
buf:prev_tabstop_col(line, col) -> col real col on the prev tabstop
selecting text based on tab expansion
buf:select_indent(line, [col]) -> s the indent of the line, optionally up to some column
buf:indent(line, col, use_tab) -> line, col insert a tab or spaces from a position up to the next tabstop. return the cursor at the tabstop, where the indented text is.
buf:indent_line(line, use_tab) -> line, col insert a tab or spaces at col 1
buf:tabs_and_spaces(vcol1, vcol2) -> tabs, spaces find the maximum number of tabs and minimum of spaces that fit between two visual columns
buf:gen_whitespace(vcol1, vcol2, use_tabs) -> s generate whitespace (tabs and spaces or just spaces, depending on the use_tabs flag) between two vcols.
buf:insert_whitespace(line, col, vcol2, use_tabs) insert whitespace on a line, from a position up to (but excluding) a visual col on the same line.
buf:next_nonspace_col(line, col)
buf:prev_nonspace_col(line, col)
find non-space boundaries (jump any whitespace)
buf:isempty(line) check if a line is either invalid, empty or made entirely of whitespace
buf:indenting(line, col) -> true | false check if a position is before the first non-space char, that is, in the indentation area.
buf:next_tabful_col(line, col, [restrict_eol]) -> col find tabful boundaries. a tabful is the whitespace between two tabstops. the tabful column after some char is either the next tabstop or the first non-space char after the prev. char or the char after the last col, whichever comes first, and if after the given char.
buf:prev_tabful_col(line, col) -> col the tabful column before some char, which is either the prev. tabstop or the char after the prev. non-space char, whichever comes first, and if before the given char.
editing based on tabfuls
buf:outdent(line, col) remove the space up to the next tabstop or non-space char, in other words, remove a tabful.
buf:outdent_line(line) outdent at col 1.
word boundaries
buf:next_word_break_col(line, col, [word_chars]) -> col
buf:prev_word_break_col(line, col, [word_chars]) -> col
word breaking semantics per [codedit_str]
buf:word_cols(line, col, [word_chars]) -> col1, col2 word boundaries surrounding a char position
buf:next_list_aligned_vcol(line, col, [restrict_eol]) -> vcol find the visual col that is aligned with the next word on the line above
buf:next_args_aligned_vcol(line, col, [restrict_eol) -> vcol find the visual col that is aligned with the next open bracket on the line above
paragraph boundaries
buf:reflow_lines(line1, line2, line_width, tabsize, align, wrap) -> line2, col2 reflow the text between two lines. return the position after the last inserted character. align can be 'left', 'right', 'justify'. wrap can be 'greedy', or 'knuth'.
saving to disk
buf:save_to_file(filename) save the buffer to disk atomically

Undo/redo stack


Extends the buffer class with methods for undo/redo.

The undo stack is a stack of undo groups. An undo group is a list of editor commands to be executed in reverse order, which together perform what the user perceives as a single undo operation. Consecutive undo groups of the same group type are merged together. The undo commands in the group can be any editor method with any arguments.

buf:start_undo_group(group_type) auto-close the current undo group and start a new one
buf:end_undo_group() close and commit the current undo group
buf:undo_command(...) add an undo command to the current undo group, if any
buf:undo() exec the last undo group, recording a redo group
buf:redo() exec the last redo group, recording a undo group



Extends the buffer class with properties and methods for text normalization.

buffer.eol_spaces = 'remove' --leave, remove.
buffer.eof_lines = 'leave' --leave, remove, ensure, or a number.
buffer.convert_indent = 'tabs' --tabs, spaces, leave: convert indentation to tabs or spaces based on tabsize
buf:remove_eol_spaces() remove any spaces past eol
buf:ensure_eof_line() add an empty line at eof if there is none
buf:remove_eof_lines() remove any empty lines at eof, except the first line
buf:convert_indent_to_tabs() indent to tabs
buf:convert_indent_to_spaces() indent to spaces
buf:normalize() normalize based on properties

Text Blocks


Extends the buffer class with methods for selecting and editing text blocks, i.e. vertically aligned text between two subsequent text positions.

Blocks are defined as (line1, col1, line2, col2), where line1 and line2 must be valid, subsequent lines in the buffer, and col1 and col2 can be anything.

buf:block_cols(line, line1, col1, line2, col2) -> s clamped line segment on a line that intersects the rectangle formed by two arbitrary text positions.
buf:select_block(line1, col1, line2, col2) -> lines_t select the block between two subsequent text positions as a multi-line string.
buf:insert_block(line1, col1, s) -> line2, col2 insert a multi-line string as a block at some position in the text. return the position after the string.
buf:remove_block(line1, col1, line2, col2) remove the block between two subsequent positions in the text
buf:indent_block(line1, col1, line2, col2, use_tab) -> n indent the block between two subsequent positions in the text returns max(visual-length(added-text)).
buf:outdent_block(line1, col1, line2, col2) outdent the block between two subsequent positions in the text
buf:reflow_block(line1, col1, line2, col2, line_width, tabsize, align, wrap) reflow a block to its width. return the position after the last inserted character.