
symmetric coroutines

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local coro = require'coro'

Symmetric coroutines are coroutines that allow you to transfer control to a specific coroutine, unlike Lua's standard coroutines which only allow you to suspend execution to the calling coroutine.

This is the implementation from the paper Coroutines in Lua.

Changes from the paper:

  • threads created with coro.create() finish into the creator thread not main thread, unless otherwise specified.
  • added coro.wrap() similar to coroutine.wrap().

coro.create(f[, return_thread]) -> coro_thread

Create a symmetric coroutine, optionally specifying the thread which the coroutine should transfer control to when it finishes execution (defaults to coro.current.

coro.transfer(coro_thread[, send_val]) -> recv_val

Transfer control to a symmetric coroutine, suspending execution. The target coroutine either hasn't started yet, or it is itself suspended in a call to coro.transfer(), in which case it resumes and receives send_val as the return value of the call. Likewise, the coroutine which transfers execution will stay suspended until coro.transfer() is called again with it as target.

coro.current -> coro_thread

Currently running symmetric coroutine. Defaults to coro.main.

coro.main -> coro_thread

The coroutine representing the main thread (the thread that calls coro.transfer for the first time).

coro.wrap(f) -> f

Similar to coroutine.wrap for symmetric coroutines. Useful for creating iterators in an environment of symmetric coroutines in which simply calling coroutine.yield is not an option:

local parent = coro.current
local iter = coro.wrap(function()
   local function yield(val)
      coro.transfer(parent, val)