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The library publishes a procedural API that mimics the windows API, and an object API for creating windows and controls. Both APIs share the same namespace, which is the table returned by require'winapi'.

Interactivity (windows message processing) is handled in the object layer because it needs to keep state. Dispatching of messages to child controls is implemented in the object layer. The object layer also provides additional features like anchor-based layouting. There's generally little reason to use the procedural API directly for managing windows and controls except for say, implementing a different object API.


Current work is based on Windows 7 SDK headers, the latest available headers from Microsoft at the time of writing. Constants, macros, typedefs and function prototypes for all platforms from Windows 2000/XP on (version 0x0500) are included. Obsolete ones are not included. Only wide-char API variants are included, the ANSI variants are not included. Only controls from ComCtl32.dll version 6 available on Windows XP and above are supported. To be able to use comctl 6, you'll need a manifest file near your luajit.exe (included). Note: comctl 6 is Unicode only, another reason not to bind the ANSI API.

The code

The code is a 4-layer pie that looks like this (from bottom to top):

  • ffi layer - helper functions that comprise the binding vocabulary
  • winapi modules - low-level procedural winapi wrappers
  • oo system - provides a mechanism for inheritance, instantiation and virtual properties
  • winapi classes - actual classes for windows and controls (all files named *class.lua)

Each module starts with a comment which describes what the module does and its place in the pie.

Object API

The object API is implemented in terms of a minimalist OO system implemented in class.lua, object.lua, and vobject.lua. The OO system features single inheritance, constructors, and virtual properties with getters and setters. It differentiates between class (derivation) and object (instantiation), so it's not a prototype-based system.

Winapi classes are implemented one-per-file in *class.lua and start with basewindowclass.lua which contains BaseWindow from which Control (the base class for all controls) and Window (the final class for top-level windows) are derived.

Procedural API

The procedural API is designed to work with both cdata objects and equivalent Lua types. For a string you can choose to pass a ffi WCHAR buffer, which will be interpreted as UTF-16, or a Lua string, which will be interpreted as UTF-8. For a struct you can choose to pass a struct cdata or a Lua table, same for arrays.

Counting (indexing) starts from 1.

Flags can be passed as either 'FLAG1 FLAG2 ...' or as bit.bor(winapi.FLAG1, winapi.FLAG2, ...).

A winapi handle can be owned either by another winapi object or by Lua's garbage collector, to prevent memory leaks. Owning (assigning a destructor) and disowning objects (when windows takes ownership) is taken care of automatically.

Boilerplate like a struct's mask field or a struct/buffer/string size, etc. are hidden from the API. In general, stuff that doesn't relate to actual functionality but it's an artifact of the ABI is considered an unnecessary distraction and it is hidden away as much as possible.

The API doesn't mimic winapi perfectly. Object constructors like CreateWindow take a table with named arguments instead of a list of arguments like in winapi. Argument positions are sometimes reversed to make less-used arguments optional, and so on. Struct fields are sometimes renamed from the crazy hungarian notation, etc.

The procedural API is implemented with the aid of a set of utilities dealing with bitmasks, utf-8 conversion, etc. See the dev doc for more on that.